We have four female and two male miniature dachshunds born June 19, 2024. Two females are brown and tan and two are black and white piebald. Both males are black and white piebald. They come from a loving home. Parents are also pictured. Pictures include a couple current photos as of August 2, 2024. Puppies will be microchipped and have their first shots included. Females $1,500, males $1,200. Will deliver in the state of xxxx with a $300 non refundable deposit with the balance due upon delivery. Starter kit containing: travel crate, blanket, washable potty pad, bag of current puppy food, sample treat bag, toys, current vaccinations and deworming. All puppies are going through AKC’s Star Puppy training with a local certified trainer xxxx. xxx-xxx-xxxx text or call to schedule a visit.