We had a liter of 7 puppies and we have 4 left. We are selling them for 1500. Our dog the mom is the larger one, she is a red standard poodle. She weighs 35lbs normally. The male is a cavapoo who weighs 25 pounds but is much shorter. Our puppies are F1B cavapoos. Meaning they are 75% poodle and 25% Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and extremely hypoallergenic. Their curly coats will develop with age. They will not shed. Both our parents dogs sell for much over what we are asking but this was a one time thing we did so that both of the parent dog families could have another dog. They will be extremely cute, soft dogs at a really great price please pass this on and share our post so we can find homes for our last four pups! We have one female and 3 males. We will be taking non refundable deposits of 200 dollars to Venmo. This money will go towards your puppy when you pick your puppy but it helps us insure we have only serious people interested who are unlikely to back out last minute if they've put money down. The order of picking a puppy will be in order of who sends us a deposit. If you have a strong preference on the adult height of your dog get your deposit in soon. We have one large male who will be close to moms height I'm guessing, one in the middle and the rest are smaller most likely closer to dads height. If you have any questions feel free to reach out! xxxx