6 kittens available for adoption These are from 2 different mothers who had them on our property ( we live in the country and people dump cats here all the time). One litter was born April 22, 2024. The other litter was brought to our door on June 1st by the mama cat, who then left and never came back ( they look to be about the same age as the first litter who was born here). They all appear to be healthy and have been wormed and treated for fleas. All have been kept inside and will only go to homes who will do the same. They have not had any shots nor have they been spayed or neutered. All are eating wet and dry food and have been using the litter box flawlessly. $40 rehoming fee Pick up in Walkerton, Indiana Sis- Female Sassy- Female Buddy- Male Gypsy- Female Max- Male Rocket- Male