Coco is the sweetest dog I’ve ever met. She is a purebred 1 year old German Shepherd with all her shots. Due to unfortunate circumstances we can no longer take care of her. She comes with a dog house. She is extremely sweet and mannered. She doesn’t jump on people and is amazing with other pets. She grew up with cats. She has had plenty of exposure with kids including my own, hence her amazing nature with them. She doesn’t bark at night, and she doesn’t get scared of thunder or fireworks. She is extremely fit and the most amazing companion for people who enjoy walking or running. She had a very calm nature, and knows basic obedience. She knows stay, sit, down, no and her name. She requires physical activity for least 30 minutes a day whether that be just letting her out by herself in the yard or going on runs and walks. She is the most perfect dog that has ever existed and I hope someone sweet will adopt her. She is a purebred German Shepherd that we rescued from a breeder who couldn’t sell her off and couldn’t take care of her. Despite that, she is extremely sweet and calm.