Introducing the French Doberman, an exotic new breed that combines the traits of the French Bulldog and the European Doberman. This breed enhances the genetics of the French Bulldog by integrating the athleticism and loyalty of the Doberman, resulting in a dog that is both unique and exceptional in appearance. Size: Small to medium, typically weighing between 30-45 pounds and standing 15-18 inches tall at the shoulder. Temperament: The French Doberman inherits the intelligence, loyalty, and protective nature of the Doberman, along with the affectionate, adaptable, and playful personality of the French Bulldog. Both parent breeds are known for their calm and friendly temperaments. Coat: They have a short hair coat with minimal shedding, similar to the Doberman’s coat. She’s ready to go home! Has her shots and deworming. Located in xxxx for more information or any questions, please contact us via Instagram at xxxx or phone number xxxxxxxxxx (Text first please!)