Australian Shepherd Puppies For Sale Near Me
Australian Shepherd Puppies for Sale
Ready for their forever home. Sweet and well adjusted. Parents on site.Buy Now
Aussie Puppies For Sale
Mt name is xxxx, i am Australian Shepherd breeder and have been in business for 30+ years. My kennels are xxxx. My dogs are registered through ASKA & AKC. My kennel is known for health of the breed, show dogs, and overall great family pets. Website: Come visit.Buy Now
xxxx Available
xxxx Australian Shepherds a Hall of xxxx has been doing business for 30 years. As a dog breeder, it is not just about creating adorable puppies. It’s a complex and ethical process that aims to improve the breed’s overall health, temperament, and characteristics. My dogs undergo a comprehensive health screenings, including genetic testing, to minimize the risk of hereditary diseases. Breeding pairs are selected to have the best possible genetics this includes temperament, health and conformation. Parents are on site for meet and greets. xxxx dogs are well socialized, they are exposed to many experiences, people, and environments to build confidence and adaptability.View Detail